Streams Locations and Measurement Sites

A category to classify datasets that are about locations

1995 Tracer Experiment Locations


As part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a 1995 tracer experiment was conducted in Green Creek. For details of this experiment, please contact Diane McKnight

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 In October 1998, the MCM LTER data manager asked the team making stream measurements to track down coordinates for the tracer experiment sample sites. Diane McKnight and Mike Gooseff provided the resulting information.


Records generated from the 'tracer experiment' had been submitted to Denise Steigerwald (the MCM LTER data manager) in the same files as core LTER data sets. Denise therefore went through these files, separated out any records dealing with the tracer experiment, and created new files with a similar layout as the core datasets. Coordinates (latitude, longitude and elevation) were then tracked down for each of the records. The  resulting 'tracer_locs.dat' and 'tracer_locs.txt' files were posted on the web in July, 2000.


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